The Benefits of Energy Healing

We live in a significant time in the history of this planet. These times have been called "the Great Awakening" or "the Great Purification". Many people are waking up to the feeling that there is more to life than what has been previously understood. This spiritual awakening to the awareness that we are more than physical beings can include many positive and seemingly negative experiences. The soul is growing which brings on many life changes evoking panic, physical and mental illness, overwhelm, depression, apathy and confusion.

Energy healing is a way to tune into your soul/energy and help you to adjust to these changes. Reiki and Rahanni Celestial Healing are both gentle, beautiful modalities to clear the blocks in your energy where you've stored old emotional and physical wounding and memories. Attending to your energy helps to clear and raise your overall vibration so the negative symptoms naturally heal and fall away helping you to keep adapting and growing.

Shamanism is an ancient modality to support your soul growth through benevolent loving spirit guides and power animals. Soul retrieval helps to retrieve lost or shattered soul parts that vacated you in times of trauma or illness. Feeling out of sorts, not engaged with life, depressed, "not yourself" are symptoms of soul loss. Retrieving the protection of your power animal/s also helps to restore your vitality, sense of self and direction. Shamanic techniques can also importantly clear negative energy and spirits in your energy field that can cause many symptoms like negative thinking, self harm, addictions and mental and physical illness.

By taking care of your spiritual and energetic health you can restore your wellbeing, feel stronger and more able to manage these times of change. Please feel welcome to contact me to chat about your experiences. A few sessions of Reiki or Rahanni can help you to clear and elevate above the issues that are currently blocking you. A few shamanic sessions to clear the negative energy attachments and perform soul and power retrieval can profoundly help clear deep and persistent issues. I recommend a package of three treatments including Reiki and a Shamanic Clearing or Rahanni which will raise your vibration and show your higher self you're committed to lasting change and healing. I offer compassionate counseling with all my services to help clients understand what is happening and how to manage. I also use my clairvoyance to see into the energy and offer insight and guidance from the spirit world. Sessions are available in person, skype or through distance healing.

Many blessings of love and light ~


Cara Gardner